LAD Digital Portal
One central location…students choose their preferred digital delivery.
eLAD Digital Portal
One central location…students choose their preferred digital delivery.
Digital PDF
Digitally protected with our Digital Rights Management (DRM) software.
- Download course materials via access code
- Original Works, out-of-print books or custom content from other publishers
- Active hyperlinks
Cloud Reader
Access from any computer or device that has an internet browser.
- Interactive
- Annotations
- Highlight, bookmark
- Word search and word definition features
- Take and store notes
Secure Videos
Our digital portal was born out of our desire to provide delivery options to faculty and students. LAD developed one central location where students could choose their preferred digital delivery method.
Watch eLAD Intro Video
It’s all about choices!
Give your students the choice – their preferred digital delivery method to access their course materials: downloading a digitally protected PDF, viewing on a cloud-based reader via the internet or using secure videos.
Easily Accessed
Registration is quick and easy. Once registered and logged in, a student uses an access code to access their course material. It’s that simple.
Custom content is secured with our Digital Rights Management (DRM) technologies. DRM is a term referring to various access control technologies that are used to restrict the usage of proprietary software, hardware, or content.
Inclusive Access
LAD can streamline the process and deliver your Custom Course Materials directly into your LMS via our direct integration with RedShelf or VitalSource.
We can also partner with your campus print shop to convert print course materials into digital solutions.
With Inclusive Access
digital content is delivered to students by the first day of class.
Easy and convenient for students
Cost is automatically added to tuition fees
LMS integrations
Provides an affordable option
Enhanced learning
Give your students the choice – their preferred digital delivery method to access their course materials: downloading a digitally protected PDF, viewing on a cloud-based reader via the internet or using secure videos.
LAD Bookstore
The LAD Bookstore provides authors with a less costly and environmentally-friendly option for distributing their academic materials. We offer a secure global marketplace for educators and individuals to host and sell their own content.
This includes custom books, textbooks, manuals and videos. Content creators can choose the delivery options for their book: Print, Digital or a Combination of Both Print and Digital.
Visit for more details on the LAD Bookstore.