Our Campus Solutions program covers assembling material, negotiating copyright fees with content providers, and creating high-quality digital masters at competitive prices. Bookstores and campus print shops are now free to focus on the growth of their store’s business in other ways.

Call us to get started


Our Campus Solutions program covers assembling material, negotiating copyright fees with content providers, and creating high-quality digital masters at competitive prices. Bookstores, and campus print shops, are now free to focus on the growth of their store’s business in other ways.

Call us to get started


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From the minute your order is received, experienced staff members are assigned to take your project from start to finish. We put your course pack together similar to building a puzzle: we negotiate copyrights, create master files, ensure  accurate production, and LAD will process and pay professor royalties on any custom content. We take pride in delivering your project, and finishing the puzzle, without any missing pieces!

Content Planning and Assembly

You’ve been handed a selection of materials that you need to assemble into a single course pack. Partner with LAD. We’ll organize your course pack materials, whether they’re in print form or digital, or both. Once assembled, we will prepare a high-quality, print-ready scan. You’re free to focus on other tasks.

Reduce Costs

LAD’s Copyright Cost Management program keeps copyright fees under control. LAD evaluates content and negotiates royalty fees with content providers, which includes:

  • Out-of-print books
  • Business cases

Campus Solutions Production and Delivery

Take advantage of our flexible production solutions, from page layout to book binding, including a free addition of a Table of Contents and Pagination.

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On-Time Delivery

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Digital Delivery

Overflow Print Partner

Need to keep production in-house? Your print shop may lack the resources to assemble the material, clear copyrights and create a print-ready file. LAD will handle all of the ground work and supply your print shop with a high-quality master scan for production.

100% Return policy

Student Lab Notebooks

Students need a well kept notebook to have successful research. LAD’s high-quality notebooks, measuring 8″ x 11″, feature perforated, carbonless page sets, and an experiment log to keep track of labs.

Learn more about our affordable student lab notebooks

eLAD Digital Course Packs

LAD Digital Solution

Our LAD Digital portal is a virtual, centralized platform that delivers secure digital versions of your custom content.

Custom Branding
Our technology can be white-labeled and branded for your school.

Video Library
Faculty now have a secure way to deliver their videos with the eLAD Video Library.

Custom Publishing with LAD


We will assist in all of the facets of publishing.

Marketing & Branding
Royalty Payments (Learn More)
Print and Digital Delivery

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"You ROCK!! Thanks for the quick turnaround time....thinking all custom should be done this way!!"

Calumet Campus Shop, Purdue University Calumet

"I picked up my desk copy of the course packet, and it's perfect. Just as I hoped! Thanks so much for a job well done!"

Saint Anselm College